Wednesday 3 July 2013

About Mirfield Promenade

I need to tell you who, or what I am:  I am a four mile stretch of land from Greenwood Lock to Cooper Bridge in Mirfield, West Yorkshire.  A group of enthusiastic individuals are working to develop the Promenade, to make it an accessible route through the town of Mirfield which can link to existing recreational paths and facilities, and hopefully support and encourage new developments.  This could result in social, economic and environmental benefits.

Playing your part

From time to time we need to enlist the help of volunteers, for example if we need to clear a path.  The Mirfield Reporter has been very supportive in the past in letting people know that help is needed.  We hope that we can still rely on that support, but in addition we will use this blog to tell people when help is needed.  We will also use the blog to keep people up-to-date with our work, our successes - and  our frustrations.

Along the Promenade

There are urban areas on this route with considerable industrial heritage - mills, locks, bridges and archaeology. 
There are rural areas with stunning scenery, peace and tranquillity.  Along the route can be found wildlife a plenty, including otters, kingfishers, swans, herons and oyster catchers.

We want to provide easy and pleasant links to the town centre of Mirfield, and people's places of work; countryside paths which allow gentle strolls, or steep woodland climbs.  We want to ensure that there are options for cycling, running and walking for individuals and families.


Plans for the Promenade

There is a five year programme which will be broken down into a number of bite size chunks - as and when money, land, good will and the opportunity arises!  The first area to be tackled is Battyeford Island. Money has been allocated by the Canal and RiversTrust for improvements to a well known bridge, and this will match with other funds to create walks, seating, traditional fruit orchards, wildflower planting and heritage interpretation.  We are being assisted in the planning for this work by Groundwork.


Apart from the organisations mentioned, credit has to be given to the small group of enthusiasts who are working to make the Promenade a reality.  They regard themselves as a committee, I regard them as my helpers - my promenaders.


The work to develop and maintain the Promenade will be costly and demanding.  The following are some of the organisations who have been involved and supportive:

The Rotary Club of Mirfield
Canal and River Trust
and, of course, local people.

The Community Matters

The Promenaders have already met, consulted with and involved a number of local people, businesses and public bodies.  This area of our work is very important, and is on-going.  To date we have met with:

The Boatyards -  Kirklees Council - Local Publicans - West Yorkshire Police - Sustrans - Business Bistro - Banks - House builders

Without local support, we will not succeed!   To this end the Promenaders will be at future community events around the area.