Monday 28 October 2013

Saturday's clean up

Thanks to all of the people who joined us last Saturday for the litter pick and general cut back of vegetation which began at Shepley Bridge Marina.  The volunteers collected fifteen bags of rubbish - which is terrific work although it does mean that all of that rubbish had been dropped by other people.

The police were contacted as we found an empty lap top bag on the tow path
Tonight on BBC 1 the Panorama programme will be considering litter and littering and is called "Our dirty nation".  There is an interesting report about rubbish and cleanliness on the Keep Britain Tidy website.


Saturday 5 October 2013

Consultation event

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the event this morning at Battyeford Island.  We would also like to thank all of you who have taken the time to complete the paper questionnaires or the online forms - these are now being collated and we will let you know the feed-back as soon as possible.


Thursday 3 October 2013


The Canal and River Trust has run a photography competition to inspire people to visit and enjoy their local towpath or riverbank.  Three photos have now been selected as winners - you can view these by visiting the Canal and River Trust site.  It is also possible to see all of the entries, by clicking here.  Not sure if the Trust will be running this competition next year - but if it does, wouldn't it be great to have photos of life along the Mirfield Promenade? 

This photo is my favourite from the competition:
by Carol Tyers