Tuesday 29 April 2014

Improvements are beginning

When you next walk along the Canal near Mirfield, you will see that we are starting to make improvements - yesterday four benches were repainted, near to Wheatley Bridge and Gill Bridge.  Thanks must go to Hilary Brooke and David Middleton for carrying out this work, with special thanks to David for providing the paint, equipment and guidance!

Public testing of the newly painted bench


Monday 21 April 2014

Pocket Parks

Shortly we will be starting work to restore small areas of land adjacent to Gill and Wheatley Bridges, as we feel that such improvements will enhance the route along the Canal towards Mirfield.

On 8 May, there will be a clean up, vegetation clearing and planting session starting at 10 am at Gill Bridge, near to Lowlands Road, Mirfield.  We would love to see you there to help with this work, but please wear sturdy gardening gloves and stout footwear.  Colleagues from the Canal and River Trust will provide some equipment and guidance - but feel free to bring along your own gardening tools.

If you have any plants that you would like to donate, or if you would like more information about this work and how you can be involved - then please email Mirfield Promenade