Tuesday 23 December 2014

Canal Consultation: 10 January 2015

The Canal and River Trust is hoping to secure funding from the Big Lottery to work with local people on the canal in the Mirfield area.  In order to find out how people use the canal at the moment and their future aspirations, colleagues from the CRT and Groundwork will be holding a consultation session on Saturday 10 January, from 10 am to 12 noon at the Co-op Supermarket, Huddersfield Road, Mirfield.  If you are not able to come along, your views are still welcome:  contact Jane Halladay, Senior Community Co-ordinator, Groundwork on  0113 238 0601 or via email -  jane.halladay@groundwork.org.uk

Monday 15 December 2014

News from Neighbouring Areas

Brighouse Towpath Volunteers:  The Canal and River Trust (CRT) is involved in setting up a new volunteer-led group to carry out maintenance activities between Cromwell Lock and Ganny Lock on the Calder and Hebble Navigation near Brighouse.  Initial tasks will include painting, vegetation management, planting, repointing cobbles and clearing litter.  At the moment there isn't a regular task day for this group but if anyone is interested then the CRT would love to hear from you so that it can establish a more regular work party.  For more information and how to apply, click here.

Ganny Lock:  Courtesy of Humphrey Bolton