Wednesday 27 April 2016

Mirfield Towpath Taskforce

The Mirfield Towpath Taskforce met yesterday at Gill Bridge.  The Group got quite a lot of work done - in particular clearing brambles and overgrown vegetation. Good to report that everyone enjoyed themselves. 

The weather ranged from lovely, warm sunshine to cold, horrible hail. Fortunately not too much of the latter, that came later in the day. 

Many of the plants previously put in have survived plus the Group left some of the wild flowers. They did put some more plants in but with the frosts still occurring they resisted planting the less hardy ones - these will be planted when the nights warm up a little. 

Wednesday 13 April 2016

New Mirfield Towpath Taskforce

Tuesday 26 April sees the first meeting of the Mirfield Towpath Taskforce Group.

The Group, which will meet on the last Tuesday of every month, will take on such tasks and projects as litter picking, working on the garden that was started last year, creating a rock garden by Gill Bridge, installing another seat that has been donated, and painting existing benches.

If you would like to get involved with this worthwhile work - the Group will meet next Tuesday at Gill Bridge (WF14 8LU) between 10 am and 1 pm.

To find out more about the work of Towpath Taskforce Groups - visit the Canal and River Trust site.

Love My Stretch

The Canal and River Trust started this scheme late last year - for a small donation you'll receive a dedicated space on the CRT map and a certificate to show your regard for your favourite part of the waterways.  

To find out more visit - Love My Stretch.