Sunday 27 August 2017

Japanese Knotweed

Recently a quite alarming article appeared on the BBC website about Japanese Knotweed - it makes very depressing reading but we all need to be aware of this plant and the action to take if we spot it.  If you missed the article - you can read it by clicking here

A date for your diary

If you're free on Friday 8 September, then come and join us at Battyeford Island.  You can get involved in a general clean up, or working on the path improvement scheme, or building seats from logs . . . . .

More details when they become available.


Tuesday 8 August 2017

Voting for Boats in Bloom

Voting is now open for "most flower-filled boat" and "best business in bloom" (voting in the other categories will open shortly).  Click here to see the Boats in Bloom shortlist and to vote.