Wednesday 20 September 2017

Happenny Bridge, Battyeford

A very old photo of Happenny Bridge at Battyeford - it used to cost a halfpenny to cross it! 
Photo courtesy of The Mirfield History Archive. 

Wednesday 13 September 2017

RHS Britain in Bloom Awards

Mirfield Promenade has been awarded a prestigious recognition of the hard work and commitment of volunteers in Mirfield, in the development and vast improvement in local waterways.

The judges in their appraisal said "This is a developing project, along with areas that have been successfully reclaimed and planted. The group has used imaginative ways to achieve results such as engaging with a development adjacent to the towpath to provide planting beds and path surfaces. The Co-op store has a commitment to provide ongoing working parties to assist with the implementing of the plan. There has been a success in gaining grants and funding."

Hilary Brooke, who was presented with the award on behalf of Mirfield Promenade, said "This award is due to the partnership working and support from Darren Smith Homes, Canal and River Trust, Tesco, Groundwork, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Yorkshire Building Society and above all, our fantastic team of volunteers who give up their time for the town."