Sunday 16 December 2018

New access ramp - a huge boost for Mirfield

A project to link St Paul’s Lock with the Calder and Hebble Canal has given Mirfield a major boost, according to the Canal and River Trust’s (CRT) Regional Advisory Board for Yorkshire.  Speaking at the official opening of Darren Smith Homes’(DSH) £80,000 disability ramp, CRT Member Hilary Brooke said: “Making this towpath and a variety of other paths accessible to everyone, including those using wheelchairs and buggies, has long been an aspiration for local people. DSH has achieved this.

“By partnering DSH, CRT and Mirfield Community Partnership, we have matched skills, expertise, people and goodwill and we achieved a great deal for Mirfield.  We look forward to a long and successful partnership.”

Friday’s official opening included children from Crowlees C of E School in Mirfield who are also members of the Crowlees Hoppa. Parent and founder member, Dianne Watkinson, describes this as a cross between a walking bus and "park and stride" scheme.  Last December, DSH sponsored the children’s high-visibility vests to help ensure they can walk to school in safety.

DSH managing director, Darren Smith, said: “We are delighted to have built and funded this great new ramp as part of our ongoing commitment to improve and enhance the area and give something back to our residents and the wider community."

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Up-date - Battyeford Cut Flood Lock

On 9 November we informed you about work taking place on the Battyeford Cut Flood Lock - we are now pleased to tell you that the work to repair the cills has been completed sooner than expected and the navigation is once again open.

Monday 19 November 2018

Safe Anchor Trust - Santa Special

Safe Anchor Trust will be hosting its annual Santa Special for the local community on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 December, from 10 am to 2,30 pm.  The Trust will be providing boat trips from the centre of Mirfield to Shepley Bridge Marina for children to meet Santa.

Trips start from the towpath behind LIDL in Mirfield with boats leaving every 20 minutes.  Passengers are transported by boat to Santa’s Grotto, around 15 minutes, where all children get to meet Santa and receive a present from him. The model railway will be running, the cafe is open and other activities will be taking place. When you are ready, get back on a boat to be transferred back to Mirfield. There is a small charge for these trips.

Safe Anchor Trust is an award winning local charity providing access to the waterways for disadvantaged groups.

Friday 9 November 2018

Battyeford Cut Flood Lock

The flood lock gates have a number of leakage points.  In order to repair the cills, the lock will be drained in coming weeks. As the photo shows, preparatory work has already started.

Saturday 3 November 2018

Co-op members have raised over £19m for good causes

Congratulations to Mirfield Promenade friends and colleagues.

The Co op members and staff at Mirfield have raised an amazing £9,000 towards the ongoing improvements of our canal and river, through the town.

Over and above the actual cash, it is our wonderful volunteers , business supporters,
and CRT staff who graft and deliver the projects.

You can find out more on this video produced by the Co-op.

Friday 7 September 2018

Towpath Closure

Darren Smith Ltd will be reconstructing the ramp down from Bull Bridge to the canal towpath. 

Dates:  19 September to 5 November.

Please follow the diversion route which will be clearly signed:  The towpath diversion route will be along public footpaths from Newgate along Huddersfield Road and Station Road.

The towpath will be open from Newgate for approx. 250m for pedestrians to use the facilities along the towpath. A 35m length of towpath will be closed near Bull Bridge closing the access from Bull Bridge towards Newgate.

You can view this notice and its map online here:

Thursday 26 July 2018

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Let's clean up the Calder!!

Six months on from the finale of Blue Planet II, Sir David Attenborough says thank you for the amazing response to the series. Click here to listen to what he has to say - Blue Planet II 

Thursday 7 June 2018

Walk, run or ride

The Canal and River Trust believes that exercising by canals is good for us.  Maybe it is the light reflecting on the water, or the nature, or the narrowboats or the sense of peace.  Taking to the towpaths makes you feel healthier and happier, so CRT is encouraging people to walk, run or ride away from the roadside.  Discover wellbeing on your doorstep - discover your local canal.

Friday 25 May 2018

Bug Hotel Construction on Battyeford Island

Here's an important date for your diary: Monday 18 June, at 11 am, at Battyeford Island. Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Canal and River Trust and Mirfield Community Partnership have worked together to fund and construct more Bug Hotels - as seen on Trip Advisor for bugs.  
We now need your help.  The hard graft of building and siting will be done by YWT trainee environmentalists BUT we need you to collect materials for bedding.  We need teasels, straw, twigs, pine cones, wool, feathers, grasses etc etc and you to come along and fill the  beds.  
Please come along and bring friends, family, children and circulate this widely.

Himalayan Balsam

This is from the Inland Waterways Association (IWA) newsletter:

If you are out for a walk along a waterway this summer, don’t forget to look out for Himalayan Balsam and pull some up if you can.   Growing to a height of over three metres, the plant is a highly destructive invasive species which crowds out native plants and causes erosion. 

Here’s what to do:

Pull -  Check out the IWA Himalayan Balsam identification guide to be certain that it is Himalayan Balsam and  then pull up individual balsam stems – they pull up very easily,
Snap – Break off the root below the lowest growing node,
Stomp - Put into a small pile to rot down, away from the path.  Bigger piles can be stamped on to assist the rotting process.

Seeds - You need to be aware that if the seeds have already developed then please don’t pull the Himalayan Balsam as there is no benefit and you could spread it to new locations; 

Himalayan Balsam is non-toxic, but it is still advisable to wash your hands after carrying out this activity (and before eating) due to animal-carried diseases such as Weils Disease; be aware of the water’s edge or any steep drops and leave any plants that you can’t safely reach; don’t trespass onto private land beyond the towpath or bank, and if anyone asks what you are doing – refer them to the IWA's website.

Saturday 12 May 2018

Battyeford Ferry

This shows the ferry in about 1900

Courtesy of The Mirfield History Archive

Friday 13 April 2018

Stress Awareness Month

April is Stress Awareness Month and members of the Canal and River Trust are big believers in the importance of finding ways to feel happier and healthier, every day. Canals and rivers are the perfect place to unwind, to exercise or to grab five minutes of peace in your busy day.

Whether it’s your lunch-break or a weekend break, feel better for free by using the waterway that’s right on your doorstep.

Saturday 7 April 2018

Calder Tow Path Litter Pick

A big thank you to everyone who took part in today's litter pick - 68 bags of rubbish were collected!


Tuesday 27 March 2018

Sculpture Trail

There is to be an exhibition of proposals for a Sculpture Trail along the waterways of Mirfield.  The work has been commissioned in partnership with the Canal and River Trust and designed alongside local schools.

The exhibition commences on Thursday 29 March at the Hub, Huddersfield Road, Mirfield and runs for a short period thereafter.  Please call into the Hub, have a look at the proposals and make your comments.

Invasive species in our canals and rivers

Did you know that there are a number of invasive species in our canals and rivers? The Canal and River Trust has put together a guide to the main offenders.  If you want to find out more about these species - click here.

Friday 16 March 2018

Towpath closure - Battyeford Cut

Please note that the towpath at Battyeford Cut is currently closed due to flooding, slippery, deep mud and a threat of bank collapse. We'll keep you informed of any changes to the situation.

Thursday 15 March 2018

New seating at Battyeford Island

Thanks to Andy Dyson and all the CRT volunteers who have made such a super job of installing new seating at Battyeford Island, Mirfield and to John Cotton Ltd for its very generous donation.

Sunday 4 March 2018

Thursday 1 March 2018

Keep Britain Tidy - The Great British Spring Clean

Here is a message from Keep Britain Tidy:

Help us clean up the country 

The Great British Spring Clean is a campaign with a simple aim: to bring people across the country together to clear up the litter that blights our towns, villages, countryside and beaches.We want to inspire 400,000 people to get outdoors, get active and help clear up the rubbish that lies around us. Join our growing army of #LitterHeroes who have had enough of other people’s litter and are willing to do something about it.

Together we can make a difference and clean up the environment on our doorstep.

2 - 4 March 2018 (or whenever the weather permits, up to and including 25 March)  *Please note: given the current weather forecast, please keep an eye on the weather and if there is any doubt about safety then do not go ahead with your event, rearrange it for when the weather is better. We will include all events up to and including 25 March. READ MORE*

Tuesday 27 February 2018