Monday 2 November 2020

Message from the Canal and River Trust

As the Government has announced that in England from Thursday 5 November, non-essential travel should be avoided and overnight stays limited to work purposes only, the CRT is advising boat licence holders to restrict their movement and not to stay overnight on their boats unless it is their primary residence from Thursday. Boat licence terms and conditions regarding movement every 14 days will be suspended for the 4-week period from Thursday until 2 December when these restrictions are due to come to an end.

Thursday 29 October 2020

Plastics Challenge

Message from the Canal and River Trust - If every time we visited our local canal or river we picked up and disposed of just one piece of plastic, the water and towpaths would be clear within a year. It doesn’t take much but we can all make a difference. 

Pledge your support for #PlasticsChallenge and encourage your friends and family to join in too 


Thursday 9 July 2020

Words on the Waterway

For those of you who have a love of canals and a way with words, why not enter the Canal and River Trust writing competition and share your canal memories with others?  

The CRT wants to hear your stories of times spent by or on the canals and rivers - so write a story of no more than 300 words of your most memorable visit to the waterways.  This could be about a holiday, volunteering or walking.

Winners will be selected by Ian McMillan - and there are some special prizes courtesy of Stephen Fry who is a fan of canals.  To find out more visit the CRT site - Words on the Waterways

Thursday 28 May 2020

The Great Yorkshire Creature Count

Sign up to the Great Yorkshire Creature Count!

The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust is on a mission to discover how many different wildlife species we can collectively record from Yorkshire homes in just twenty-four hours.

The Great Yorkshire Creature Count runs from 12 pm on Saturday 20 June until 12 pm on 21 June and you can join in for as long as you like - whether that's twenty minutes or several hours.  It doesn't matter whether you live in a flat, a back-to-back, or a house with a garden - you can count from wherever you are.

Join the "wild census" and get counting!  To find out more click here

Monday 18 May 2020

Garden Dragon Watch 2020

Can you help the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust?  It has launched a Garden Amphibian and Reptile monitoring tool and you can get involved by simply clicking on the link and filling out your findings.

There are loads of educational resources and identification guides - particularly useful for home schooling and for people new to this - if you built yourself a pond during lockdown you will find a wealth of information on the website

Monday 23 March 2020

Escape to our canals

We know how hard it is presently to get away to the water, so the Canal and River Trust has produced some videos so that we can explore the calming canals and immerse ourselves in the relaxing world of the waterways.  Click on this link to see the videos.

Saturday 7 March 2020

Calder and Hebble Navigation Notification

Restricted passage for narrowboats is now available through all flood gates and flood locks. Can skippers of all narrowboats take care when navigating through the locks.  Land and Water are being mobilised to clear the silt/debris from the lock areas following the recent flooding.

Please note GREENWOOD LOCK is currently NOT available for navigation.

Friday 28 February 2020

Contacting Canal and River Trust

With Storm Jorge forecast for this weekend, please continue to let CRT know about any problems you see along our canals and rivers. You can let CRT know by reporting an issue on Facebook or on Twitter @CRTContactUs. Alternatively, you can call on 0303 040 4040.

Saturday 15 February 2020

Sunday 9 February 2020

Battyeford - 9 February 2020

Calder and Hebble Navigation

Due to heavy rainfall all flood gates and flood locks have been closed. All river sections are presently unavailable for navigation. Canal and River Trust staff will monitor water levels and open the gates as soon as circumstances permit.

The tow paths remain open.

Thursday 16 January 2020

Calder and Hebble Navigation - update

Anchor Pit, Cooper Bridge and Battyeford flood gates have now been opened as a result of a fall in water levels. The remainder of the navigation remains closed from Ledgard to Wakefield.

Canal and River Trust will inform us when the situation changes. 

Sunday 12 January 2020

Navigation closure notice: Calder and Hebble Navigation

Further heavy rainfall over the weekend of 11 and 12 January 2020 means that the navigation remains closed and unavailable for passage.  The Canal and River Trust will provide further updates once the water levels return to normal.

Whilst the navigation is closed, the towpath is open.

Sunday 5 January 2020

The Big Garden Birdwatch 2020

Get ready for 25-27 January.  Sign-up today and get access to Big Garden Extra. Here you can access exclusive articles, downloads and celebrity interviews.