Thursday 28 May 2020

The Great Yorkshire Creature Count

Sign up to the Great Yorkshire Creature Count!

The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust is on a mission to discover how many different wildlife species we can collectively record from Yorkshire homes in just twenty-four hours.

The Great Yorkshire Creature Count runs from 12 pm on Saturday 20 June until 12 pm on 21 June and you can join in for as long as you like - whether that's twenty minutes or several hours.  It doesn't matter whether you live in a flat, a back-to-back, or a house with a garden - you can count from wherever you are.

Join the "wild census" and get counting!  To find out more click here

Monday 18 May 2020

Garden Dragon Watch 2020

Can you help the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust?  It has launched a Garden Amphibian and Reptile monitoring tool and you can get involved by simply clicking on the link and filling out your findings.

There are loads of educational resources and identification guides - particularly useful for home schooling and for people new to this - if you built yourself a pond during lockdown you will find a wealth of information on the website