Thursday 1 May 2014

Progress and Plans

Here is an update of developments along the Promenade - but remember that these few lines cover a massive amount of work!

Ø  Mirfield Community Partnership has provided funding for some pop up displays to use to promote the work of the Promenade, and these will be ordered shortly:

Ø  the work on the Pocket Parks gets off to a flying start on 8 May - with volunteers working together to clear the areas, and plant flowers and shrubs

Ø  four benches have been painted, the hope is to paint others along the tow path:

Ø  Battyeford Island - a new application for funding is to be submitted to BIFFA, this is being lead by Mirfield Community Partnership.  Kirklees Area Committee will supply match funding for information boards, if the bid is successful.

Ø  an ecological survey is being considered, possibly involving a student from Leeds University:

Ø  town centre work - planning is being undertaken to consider improvements needed on the tow paths near to Lidl, this will include replanting, clearance, path repair and, of course,  identifying funding.

 Help needed:

Ø  Thursday 8 May at 10 am, please meet at Gill Bridge, Lowlands Road, Mirfield to start work on the Pocket Gardens.  Bring along gardening gloves, tools and any spare plants.  Canal and River Trust colleagues will be on hand to assist.  All volunteers welcome!

Ø  Volunteers are  needed to go onto the rota for watering the newly planted Pocket Gardens.  Please email Mirfield Promenade


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