Friday 15 January 2016

Rebuilding canals in the heart of flood-hit communities

Since the dreadful floods over the Christmas period, staff from the Canal and River Trust have been busy inspecting bridges, embankments and wash walls - assessing the damage and putting together plans. Many individuals and local voluntary organisations have already been heavily involved in helping to deal with the damage the flooding caused.  You can read about some of the work that has taken place by visiting the Canal and River Trust website just click on this link.

As CRT says "The kindness and spirit of those that have helped so far has shown what can be achieved in the face of adversity".  But the Trust needs to raise significant funds to make sure that this wonderful work is not wasted. The money will be used to repair things like major structural failures and to deal with canal breaches and landslips. CRT must also fix holes, washouts and clear deposited silt that have forced the closure of towpaths and waterways.

Please show your solidarity with the thousands of people whose lives have been turned upside-down. Help the Trust rebuild canals in the heart of flood-hit communities by making a donation today.  Flood appeal - donate now

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