Saturday 14 December 2019

Message from the Canal and River Trust: Calder and Hebble Navigation

Due to continued high water levels all flood locks and flood gates on the Calder and Hebble Navigation are now closed.  All river sections are presently unavailable for navigation.

Canal and River Trust staff will be monitoring water levels. Gates will be opened as soon as circumstances permit.


Thursday 28 November 2019

Navigation closure notice: Calder and Hebble Navigation

As a result of high water levels and the forecast of continued rainfall the following flood locks/gates have been closed:

  • Ledgard
  • Thornes
  • Anchor Pit
  • Thornhill/Lees

The Canal and River Trust is continuing to monitor the situation and will provide updates as soon as the situation changes.

Whilst the Navigation is closed, the towpath remains open.

Sunday 10 November 2019

Battyeford Island and the Canal

These photos were taken earlier today in the autumn sunshine.  Thanks to Tim and Trixie Wilson for sharing them.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Ha'penny Bridge repainted

Thanks to all of the volunteers for their hard work!

Courtesy of Calderdale Navigation Society

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Improvements to Ha'penny Bridge

The volunteers are continuing with the Bridge's painting.  The results are a credit to you all - thank you!

Monday 9 September 2019

Ha'penny Bridge

Work started on Saturday on the Toll Bridge at Battyeford:

Sunday saw even more activity:


Sadly today persistent rain stopped play.  Can we say "thank you" to all of the people who have turned up to help - sincerely hope you'll return.

Thursday 29 August 2019

Battyeford Toll Bridge Painting

Plans are underway to paint the old, metal Toll Bridge on Wood Lane at Battyeford.  Permission has been given by Kirklees Council to do this whilst resurfacing work is being carried out in the area.  Work on the bridge will start on 9 September - and any help will be more than welcome, including moral support!

This project is being organised by the Canal and River Trust (CRT) in conjunction with local organisations and community groups including the South Pennine Boat Club, Calder Navigation Society plus various CRT groups.

There will be evening sessions available on Monday 9 and Wednesday 11 September between 5.30-8.00 pm for those who would like to be involved but have daytime commitments.

For more information or to get involved then please contact Andrew Dyson on  07484 912924 or email him at

Friday 2 August 2019

Canal and River Trust Annual Report 2018/2019

Highlights in the 2018/19 annual report and accounts include:

  • An increase in charitable spending to £156m with record spend on waterway operation, maintenance and repair
  • Growth in volunteering to 671,000 hours, with the first volunteer recording 10,000 hours of service for the Trust, and a 27% growth in volunteer lock keepers to 1,130
  • A further increase as Keep Britain Tidy’s Green Flag status awarded to 250 miles of canals at year end (now 300 miles)
  • 420 local groups – canal adoption groups, corporate volunteers and community groups – helping to care for the Trust’s canals
  • Over 92,000 children enjoyed face-to-face sessions with the Trust’s Explorer’s team and nearly 4,000 adults and children took part in a ‘Let’s Fish!’ taster-session
  • An increase in boats of 0.5% to 34,367 with boating accounting for around 22% of overall income
  • The publication of the first Boater report explaining how the Trust generates income, including the contribution from boaters, and how the money is spent across the network
  • A growth in Friends (those making a regular financial donation) rising 18% to almost 29,000
To read the report in full - click here

Monday 29 July 2019

Navigation closure notice: Calder and Hebble Navigation

Please note that due to rising water levels all river sections are closed from Wakefield to Brighouse until further notice.  The Canal and River Trust will continue to monitor the situation.

The towpath remains open.

Monday 1 July 2019

Wednesday 5 June 2019

CRT's mission to eradicate plastic from our canals

The canals and rivers of England and Wales could be plastic-free in a year if every visitor picked up one piece of litter, the Canal and River Trust says (CRT).  The Trust says that 14 million items of plastic ended up in waterways each year. CRT said it was "on a mission to eradicate plastic" and urged people to pick up any rubbish they find.  It added that canals and rivers acted as "plastic highways", which was a "huge problem for wildlife". 
CRT worked with Coventry University to carry out research for a new report.  It took a "snapshot" of the amount of plastics and litter observed at representative locations along 2,000 miles of waterways and found plastics such as bags, bottles, disposable cups and food wrappers accounted for 59% of the waste.
The latest study found litter was being dropped over boundary walls from nearby buildings, off bridges and being blown or washed in from areas near the waterways. CRT said it made a great effort to minimise litter along waterways and emptied 900 public litter bins more than 46,000 times annually.

Image copyrightImage captioThe trust said it made a great effort to minimise litter along waterways and emptied 900 public litter bins more than 46,000 times annually.
Volunteers for the charity spend more than 100,000 hours clearing litter from towpaths and canals each year.

Monday 6 May 2019

Battyeford Island

Many thanks to all who do so much to improve our area - Calder Navigation Society, Canal and River Trust, South Pennine Boat Club, Rotary Club of Mirfield, Mirfield Community Partnership, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and all the volunteers.

It is a shame about the thoughtless dog walkers, litter louts and those who erode the bank.

But we're getting there!

Monday 8 April 2019

Mirfield Promenade Litter Pick

Here are some photographs taken during the Mirfield Promenade Litter Pick.  The volunteers covered the areas from Shepley Bridge to Greenwood Lock; the Ship Car Park to Ladywood and the river towpath - South Pennine Boat Club to Hopton.

Thanks to everyone who organised and took part: Mirfield Community Partnership, Canal and River Trust, Calder Navigation Society, Rotary Club of Mirfield, Friends of Mirfield Allotments, Safe Anchor Trust, Pennine Canoe Club, CRT Volunteer Task Force and many local residents.  Twenty-four people collected twenty-seven bags of rubbish!