Friday 2 August 2019

Canal and River Trust Annual Report 2018/2019

Highlights in the 2018/19 annual report and accounts include:

  • An increase in charitable spending to £156m with record spend on waterway operation, maintenance and repair
  • Growth in volunteering to 671,000 hours, with the first volunteer recording 10,000 hours of service for the Trust, and a 27% growth in volunteer lock keepers to 1,130
  • A further increase as Keep Britain Tidy’s Green Flag status awarded to 250 miles of canals at year end (now 300 miles)
  • 420 local groups – canal adoption groups, corporate volunteers and community groups – helping to care for the Trust’s canals
  • Over 92,000 children enjoyed face-to-face sessions with the Trust’s Explorer’s team and nearly 4,000 adults and children took part in a ‘Let’s Fish!’ taster-session
  • An increase in boats of 0.5% to 34,367 with boating accounting for around 22% of overall income
  • The publication of the first Boater report explaining how the Trust generates income, including the contribution from boaters, and how the money is spent across the network
  • A growth in Friends (those making a regular financial donation) rising 18% to almost 29,000
To read the report in full - click here

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