Thursday 10 January 2019

Big Garden Birdwatch 2019

More than half a million people are expected to watch and count garden birds across the country in this event organised by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), during the period Saturday 26 January to Monday 28 January.

The event – now in its 40th year – is the world's largest garden wildlife survey. Over three days people are encouraged to spend one hour watching and recording the birds in their garden or local public space. The results are then collated by the RSPB.

Last year over eight millions birds were seen, with the house sparrow the most frequently-recorded species. But with cold weather affecting some parts of the UK during the last weekend of January, the Society is suggesting that people should look out for scarcer birds which may visit gardens looking for food.

For details of how to take part please visit the RSPB official website.

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