Thursday 29 August 2019

Battyeford Toll Bridge Painting

Plans are underway to paint the old, metal Toll Bridge on Wood Lane at Battyeford.  Permission has been given by Kirklees Council to do this whilst resurfacing work is being carried out in the area.  Work on the bridge will start on 9 September - and any help will be more than welcome, including moral support!

This project is being organised by the Canal and River Trust (CRT) in conjunction with local organisations and community groups including the South Pennine Boat Club, Calder Navigation Society plus various CRT groups.

There will be evening sessions available on Monday 9 and Wednesday 11 September between 5.30-8.00 pm for those who would like to be involved but have daytime commitments.

For more information or to get involved then please contact Andrew Dyson on  07484 912924 or email him at

Friday 2 August 2019

Canal and River Trust Annual Report 2018/2019

Highlights in the 2018/19 annual report and accounts include:

  • An increase in charitable spending to £156m with record spend on waterway operation, maintenance and repair
  • Growth in volunteering to 671,000 hours, with the first volunteer recording 10,000 hours of service for the Trust, and a 27% growth in volunteer lock keepers to 1,130
  • A further increase as Keep Britain Tidy’s Green Flag status awarded to 250 miles of canals at year end (now 300 miles)
  • 420 local groups – canal adoption groups, corporate volunteers and community groups – helping to care for the Trust’s canals
  • Over 92,000 children enjoyed face-to-face sessions with the Trust’s Explorer’s team and nearly 4,000 adults and children took part in a ‘Let’s Fish!’ taster-session
  • An increase in boats of 0.5% to 34,367 with boating accounting for around 22% of overall income
  • The publication of the first Boater report explaining how the Trust generates income, including the contribution from boaters, and how the money is spent across the network
  • A growth in Friends (those making a regular financial donation) rising 18% to almost 29,000
To read the report in full - click here